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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

A matter of speed
A matter of speed



"There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow. Today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly, live." Dalai Lama

People are living their lives according with what the Dalai Lama said, literally; especially, the first two sentences. It seems that they want to live everything in only one day and that, my friend, is not possible. Everything takes time; everything has a right time to happen!

People are so “thirsty” that they don’t savour the moments anymore; they no longer appreciate anything or anyone. They just catch the “high-speed train” to get to where they want and that’s the end of the story. They get “there” fast; however, they lost everything on the way. Speed is not always a good thing; sometimes, lots of important things are left, forgotten and run over on the way.

The society is the opposite of me at all levels, which is literally killing me very softly. It’s all so deeply rooted...

Allow me to share with you a history, a personal one. One day, a long time ago, my parents went for a walk. As I was alone at home, I remembered to surprise them, making a beautiful cake. I prepared everything and then I put in the oven. To the cake bake faster, I put at the maximum temperature, so when my parents return, the cake could be ready on time and they would have a beautiful surprise. I failed both! When they arrived, the cake was still in the oven... and the surprise wasn’t a surprise anymore, because the smell of the burned cake was all over the place.

So, as you can see by yourself, my rush of doing things faster than I should destroyed my cake, and worst, ruined my surprise. I learnt the lesson; however, I have to see every day people “burning” their own life (and others’) because they rush things. Speed can be applied in actions, like I did and/or verbally (when something it’s said without reflecting on the consequences). People do both!

I don’t need to be a civil engineer to know that the construction of a house begins with its basis, the foundations. It needs time and work so they can support a building. When the times are not respected, the level of quality of the foundations is affected; the construction can collapse. It wouldn’t be the first time. Hence, they are the part of the structure that takes more time to do. They need to be secure; stable. 

The ironic part comes now. People do the opposite in their relationships. Instead of starting the construction with the base, they start with the roof. Of course it won’t stand; it has nothing which can hold it, so how could the roof stay at the right place?!

So far as I can see, people look for physical beauty. A pretty face, an incredible body... So, if you fulfil the requisites, you are “worthy”. You can win a “stay” for one night! That’s the society we have currently! And don’t even start saying that is normal, because it has nothing of normal; normal is another thing; this is vulgar!

It seems that acting like an animal is the fashion now. I love animals; if they are cruel, I guess we can’t blame them; yet, even being animals, they care for each other. I don’t see people caring about anyone in these days. It’s only myself; my needs, my desires, my wishes, my dreams, my will. I am enough (so enough...). People use others to get what they want. No matter how they use, but they do. So, if they are using, it can’t be called a relationship. A relationship is a connection between the involved parts. And I will go much further, challenging what is written in the dictionaries; a physical relation doesn’t mean you are in a relationship, it only means you are in something “open”, which is the same as Nothing! Relationships implicate give and receive and when I say give I mean give our best... our heart! What’s the value of a body without a heart, can you tell me?
Perhaps you will try to explain me, focusing on worldly things. Okay, will leave this subject for another day and will write about it in the webpage “thinking out loud 2”. I have delayed it on purpose because it will contain subjects that don’t fascinate me to speak about. The world is so low...

It is normal... you are thinking.

I’ll tell you what is normal, because it seems that everyone forgot how things should be and started acting as if they were living in the jungle! There is nothing wrong with respecting people or, at least, I can’t see anything wrong about it. When I say respect, am speaking at all levels! If you don’t like to be used, why do you think others would like? Even the worst human being has the need to love and be loved, so why not to invest in love instead of investing in something superficial?

Once, was told me that if I always move so slowly I would miss everything beautiful. I don’t even know if I understood this line properly; however, speed does not let you see or enjoy the beautiful things. Rush things is just a way that people use to get what they want fast and instead of walking through the way, people take shortcuts; as if the end could justify the means. At the end, it’s all the same, but the difference of happiness or misery is on the way (we walk) and not at the end. Lots of people underestimate this. So, am trying to explain expressing in words, so maybe you can make others see too. Please, can you do that for me? The happiness is not on your graduation day, but on your fight during all the years... which made you achieve your graduation. It’s not about one moment, it’s about all those moments you had with the ones you love and care beside you. Graduation is just the reward; like a prize for your work and effort. With the time passing by, your graduation will be a good memory; nevertheless the best memories are on the way you did. Not many will understand me, but I hope you can. 

The underlined phrase was about speed; it was about run over everything just to get something superficial (I think). This isn’t the real beauty! The magnificence is in getting to know people, spending time with them, make pleasant things like enjoying the sun and the rain, the day and the night, staying beside in the bad moments and in the good ones, enjoy each other’s company, look into each other’s eyes and lose themselves (with the trust they won’t get lost)... and when you have all this (respect, friendship, time, care, etc.... love) then it’s the right time to put the roof on the house!

I know the society is not used to wait; time is money, they say. Well, if you agree with that too, all I have to say is you’ll lose your time and money; plus, you will get lost too. Ironically, you will disagree; it’s your right! One day you will understand me, oh you will. 

NOTE: Rushing things can give you what you want, but not what you need. You need much more than what you want, even if you don’t admit or even can't see it! Trust me, I know!