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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Thinking out loud
Thinking out loud

This world is a chaos, but maybe it needs to be like that...

I am such a dreamer; the world I want will never exist. It's impossible! I am so exhausted, if you could know...

I am tired of expecting the best of people and receive their worst. You might think that I am too negative, but am not. The fact is that every word, every action, goes straight to my heart. I feel too much; I care too much; I expect so much! So, when disappointment comes, I begin to be objective. Sadly, this only lasts one day, at most, because when a new day comes, after I sleep, I am the same emotional and stupid Cristina.

So, I have to finish writing today, because tomorrow I will be writing about love, happiness, peace and all the things you already know. Dear reader, what I am about to write bellow, has nothing of beautiful. It will only show the truth about the world, without music or magic.

Maybe the wars have to exist. They destroy everything, kill lots of innocent people and devastate hundreds of families, but they generate lots of jobs (before, during and after). Seas of money are also involved... isn’t it what people only care about?

Perhaps crimes have to be present in our lives too. What would be doing the judges, policemen and all that are implicated in this subject?

Possibly, families have to be in disagreement too, maybe in war with each other, so, the courts, lawyers, etc., can live and, who knows, explore them... ?!

Probably it’s impossible to follow the rules. What’s wrong with getting drunk and drive after (just an example)? Why should people be responsible, when they are free and can do whatever they want? And when bad things happen... a simple sorry can solve the things, right?

Almost certainly, marriages and all kinds of relationships (romantic relationships) weren’t made to last much. People get bored... The same face, the same body... I can “understand”. After all, there is so many “fish” in the ocean, why would they stay in the same “boat” forever? Isn’t it better to find new fishes when things get “boring”, instead of continuing sailing and fighting when the storms appear?

Perchance isn’t what the actual world thinks about life? Let’s enjoy life, let’s do what it’s wrong, let’s live as if we were to die tomorrow... ME, ME, ME, and always ME! More money, more power, more pleasure, more this, more that, more and more. Haven’t anyone heard that less is more?! Doubtless, this society is irresponsible, selfish and raw. People want to be well treated, but they are cold, heartless with their fellows. Who cares about the others? Are they important?

As I said, to be objective sucks. There is no magic, no brightness, no nothing. It’s like the world was black and grey... yet, people live “happy” with these colours, when they could have so many others in their lives. You may say that I am perfectionist, but I just see things from another perspective. Probably, my perception is wrong. Surely it is! It is not possible that I am the only person right; the world is right, I am just displaced.