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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!



Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it! Salvador Dali

My perception about perfection is just one; it does not exist! Perfection isn’t real. The only place where I see perfection is in nature. Nature is perfect, everything works perfectly well, but only when the Man doesn’t interfere. When he does, the negative effects are much bigger than the positive ones. But like in everything, there is an exception to the rule, which I won’t address now.

You may have perfect situations, but never a perfect life. When you achieve all the things you want, you’ll think “I have the perfect life I wanted”, but at the end of the day you will realise that perfection is merely illusory.

Frequently we wish and say things without reflecting very well about the consequences. Not everything we wish for, it’s for our good; most of the things people desire for their lives will make them unhappy, miserable and totally empty. Allow me to say this; emptiness is one of the worst feelings and predates the feeling of sadness. How do I know? Because, sometimes, I feel like that; the actual society makes me feel like that; people’s behaviour is, 90% of the times, inhuman! I watch people lose everything that really matters and, at the end, they stay with nothing. In the beginning, I see them euphoric... they have no notion of their losses. Then, with the time passing by, they become empty and sad; some end their lives like this, others go through different paths, which I call shortcuts, just to feed their self.

I can’t live your life, neither I want that. My life is enough for me to live; each one of us has to live their own life. Each person has to discover the meaning of all this, all by themselves. Mistakes might and will happen, but I hope they can improve you as a person. The one who trip up on the same rock twice, didn't learn anything; please, don’t be like this. 

Let life teach you its’ teachings and allow yourself to grow up as a human being; always try to search for the higher things, because they are the ones which will make you happy. Only the higher things fulfil people’s heart, people’s soul. I don’t understand why people look for simple rocks when they could search for pearls. If you are happy because you found vulgar stones, how do you think you would feel if you find a pearl? I am not speaking about the monetary value, but about that feeling of finding something precious, unique and genuine. Something that is worth it... to fight for!

I am not saying to quit from your dreams! Don't do that, ever! Dreams keep people alive!


Perfection is something you’ll never reach, because the human being is constantly wanting more and better. That’s the way we, humans, are. I could give you the most beautiful and perfect woman/man, lots of money, cars, houses and journeys... seems perfect to you? It isn’t. You wouldn’t be happy; I can guarantee you, this image of perfection is an illusion. You’ll always find someone more beautiful and better. About the money, you would want more and more and this insatiable hunger would remain for the rest of your days. Instead, I will invite you to think about yourself and what you have in your life. Some things are probably missing...right? Let´s start with the higher ones; once you have the superior things, you won’t miss the lowest ones anymore. In part because the light illuminates the dark; there is no darkness that can resist to the light.

Perfection is the junction of all imperfections, like in a puzzle. When it’s done, it’s perfect; each piece by itself is just a set of imperfections. People can get something very close to perfection. All they have to do is to want and fight for it!

And, once again, will share one more story: the story of King Midas’ golden touch. There are a lot of versions of this story, but I picked a short one (you have to agree with me that I write a lot so...). I compare him with the actual society; sometimes people think that they can change things when they are already perfect. Other times, people pick the easiest ways to get what they want. If you don’t fight for, you can never feel the joy of victory; you can never know the real meaning of things.

And yeah, sometimes you have to lose to valorise them!


Note: Sometimes we already have the gold; we just don't have the eyes to see it! We must see with our heart's eyes; only the heart knows what we have and what is missing. The heart wants no perfection; it’s you that want that: your head, your brain... your eyes. Your heart only wants the greatest thing; that’s all it needs. I don’t need to say it, do I?!