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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!


lady justice by sadthree


Let me be nakedly honest now... I am dying! I can’t even say whether I am still alive or not. This world is killing me... Allow me to be more precise, please. You see, everything I believe, it simply does not exist. It seems that I’ve lived in a parallel world, separated by a very deep sea. Anyone else like me out there?

I know people hate moral; probably you, that are reading me, hate it too, but I can’t speak about justice without mentioning moral. And what is justice? It’s the just behaviour or treatment! So, for you to be just, you need to love moral. There is no other way, sorry! I understand how hard it is to "like" me; however, I don’t want you to like me. It would be impossible; the only creatures who truly love me are animals and kids.

May I ask you something? Do you like to feel injustice in your skin? When people are unfair to you, how does that make you feel? 

More and more, what is wrong is right and those who have more money, “friends” and prestige are benefited, regardless of their behaviour. Some people think that the courts give us justice and schools give us education, but they are wrong. Plenty of times justice is usurped and schools only give knowledge; do you see the difference?! The real justice and education begin at home! Courts give us a sentence; schools give us diplomas.

Justice begins with each one of us. We shall be and act the same way we would like others to act if we were in their place. Not two weights! Not two measures! We are not better than anyone; I am not better than you either! If everybody proceeds like this, the world will be much better. I don’t believe you like to feel wronged, so let’s try to act the fairest way possible. Justice carries with it an obligation to respond in kind; at least, that’s how I see it. Call it karma or Dharma, I simply call it honesty. And be aware that revenge is not a synonym of justice... 

Currently, Lady Justice is associated with jurisprudence because of its symbolism. Its image is derived from Justia, the Roman Goddess of Justice. She was known for carrying the same things that Lady Justice is carrying: a blindfold, scales and, sometimes, a sword. It’s easy to see what the image represents: justice is (or should be) governed by the principles of fairness and equity; in the eyes of law, everyone is equal! But you know that's not always this happens; people are easily corrupted! Everything speaks higher than the truth, however it shouldn’t. There is no justice without truth. Do you see now why you have to love moral to be just?

And because, sometimes, we have to challenge (the lie itself) to have justice, will share another story called: The Accused. It would be so nice if we could do the same in real life, wouldn't it?

According to an old legend of the Middle Ages, a man was wrongly accused of raping and killing a woman. In fact, the author was an influent person in the kingdom and therefore, from the beginning, he sought a scapegoat to cover up the real killer. The innocent man was brought to trial, already dreading the result: the gallows. He knew that everything would be done to convict him. The judge, who was also combined to bring the poor man to death, simulated a fair trial and made a proposal to the accused, saying:

- I am deeply religious and so I will leave your fate in the hands of the Lord. I will write on a piece of paper the word INNOCENT and on another piece the word GUILTY. You randomly will select one of the papers and it will be the verdict. The Lord will decide your destination, determined the judge.

The judge prepared the two roles, but on both wrote GUILTY. There was no escape or any other alternative for the poor man. Then, he put the papers on a table and ordered the accused to choose one. The man thought a few seconds, approached confident, picked up one of the papers and quickly put it in the mouth and swallowed. Everyone was surprised and outraged by the man's attitude.

-But what did you do? How will we know what was your verdict?

-It is very easy, the man said. Just see the other piece of paper that is left and we’ll know that I swallowed its opposite.

And immediately the man was released.