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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Theory of conspiracy?!
Theory of conspiracy?!




I always thought that family, love, friendship are things that were worth to fight for (the only things one should fight for, to be totally sincere). After all, we all need to feel that we belong somewhere; it's a need. I lived all my life very isolated, and now I can see that the world is a completely different place (welcome to the real life, you say). There is no friendship, there is no love and families are ruined, destroyed, broken. Am I wrong? We are educating children to be insensitive, heartless and mean. Whether anyone cares? I don’t know, I don’t think so...

I will give you an example and don’t think I am against information, because am not (I just think information shall give people knowledge, useful knowledge). What I am against is this culture of bullshit that leads people to a well full of shit (sorry).

At schools, kids and teenagers learn how to use correctly the condom and how important its use is... I don’t know whether in your country this is a habit, but I think it must be global. I left school a long time ago and, at that time, was usual to give some information about this subject.
A funny thing is that everybody spoke about sexual diseases, unwanted pregnancies, etc, but nobody spoke about love. No one! At the end, they offered condoms to everyone (we were 11/12 years old) and my friend and I left the room through another door (won’t even explain why. Do I need to?!). Nobody said that physical intimacy should be a complement of love... it was quite the opposite like “Go, fly a lot and behave like a true asshole" (sorry again). By now you probably hate me and am not condemning you and neither I will... you must be right according to the society, however, it’s not about intimacy I wanted to speak about. Today I will speak about family and its importance (an English family)!

Here it is the link that will tell you the history that gave rise to this web page.

Political reasons based on money; what big news! We are not speaking about someone who married because of status or money, but because of love. 10 years of marriage... shouldn’t it mean something? We all are treated as mere numbers, yet we are people; human beings! I signed their petition because it seemed the right thing to do. Families should never be separated and besides that, they seem honest! The world needs honest people. I won’t encourage you to sign and neither will I say to not sign. Everyone shall do what they think it’s right.
You know, I have been thinking...

It’s hard to find pearls; I think that’s why they are so precious. Family, love and friendship are priceless pearls too, even rarer to find than the first ones. Everyone knows their value, everyone wants them and some really fight for them, though the society seems to conspire about everything that brings true happiness. I guess true happiness and “fast happiness” aren’t compatible!  As true happiness takes time to achieve and the fight is long and daily, the society takes a shortcut, sacrificing what people have of most important. 

The family is one of the most important things one has and that is always sacrificed. You may say you don’t need a family, you may say you live perfectly fine all by yourself, but hey, answer me this... To whom you think you owe the person you are today? And I am not speaking about your degree...

Part of the person you are today, you owe to your family (even if you were raised by a neighbour or grew up in an orphanage, they were and are your family). Emotionally speaking, everybody needs a family or someone to call family even if not by blood. The thing is that the society makes life quite difficult, especially for those who love someone. The society does not care with whom you love. The governments want money, bosses want money and to all who only care about money they don't see a person; they only can see the numbers! Money is an enemy of time... and you need time for the ones you love! Love is not compatible with money, but without money, it’s almost impossible to survive! At the same time you can’t survive (physically) without money, you are dying every day (emotionally). I am not sure which one of these forms is the best way to die...

Families should remain together and sad are the ones who need to separate a family to be happy! They should be ashamed! I defend that we shall be one for all and all for one, because if you are happy how can your happiness affect me negatively?! We all are links of the same chain. Most of people can’t see that, nevertheless, I hope you can.
There are two things that destroy everything; One is money... the other is a life based on physicality which I vulgar and gently call “Flying from branch to branch”. I won’t speak about this last subject; it’s pointless!
Just because everybody is doing something, it does not make it right!

Don’t let the “world” steal from you the most precious things you have; don’t you ever allow anyone to do that! Look inside of you and remember: You Are Never Alone so don't leave others alone...