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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Thinking out loud 2 (Immorality)
Thinking out loud 2 (Immorality)


I don't watch TV! Call me of what you want, but summarizing there’s only reality shows and not much more than that: futilities! Plus, even in the noble schedule they speak about intimate subjects, regardless of having or not children watching. When I was a kid, TV was something respectful, the programs were educational and people were careful with their vocabulary! Now, there is no respect, they pass everything! Okay, new mentalities... whatever! This week, I looked at the TV for a few seconds, a few days. The subject was always the same: rape; different circumstances, the same behaviour! My brain started thinking: “what the hell people have in their heads, just sand or what?!” Today was the last drop; I am enough, tired, exhausted! So, today, I’ll write about what I’ve delayed for weeks... it won't be beautiful, I can assure you!

It’s incredible how people twist the real meaning of the words. They use them according to their own will, to express their sick thoughts and their dirty character. Here is the news that made me feel powerless and totally disgusted.

Summing up, a 21 year guy “fell in love” with an older neighbour who was helping him. As she didn’t want a romantic relationship with him, he ended up raping her. Is this love? But there’s no one capable of teaching people what love is about?! What the fuck is this?!?

A few days back, I have seen on TV some people commenting about a man who has abused of a few children; the man was the director of the place where they were staying after school.

So, if people aren’t safe in their home (1st news) nor in public places (the 2nd news) I can only assume that we are living in a banana republic! The worst part is that it’s not only here, in Portugal; a few weeks I read some news about the same that happened in Spain, the UK, Italy and in the USA. So, I deduce, it must be happening worldwide, surely!

It’s unacceptable as in the XXI century, this continues to happen. Not even the animals do that (for the case you try to justify as being a “natural act”). People are much worse than animals! And don’t even try to think that this only happens with people without studies, because this new generation is even worse! They are cruel, inhuman, PERVERT; their brain is all rough and tumble... it works in reverse!

Not a long time ago, I remember a news of a school bus (don’t remember exactly, but I think they were under 18 years old) where a guy raped a girl, her colleague, inside the school bus, with everybody watching. What the fuck is this? This society is like shit and I don’t care what you think about me for saying this! What kinds of people watch this and let it happen? Is everyone crazy or just lost their brain? It’s scary you know... the justice doesn’t care too much; the man (2nd news) who abused children during 5 years, was condemned to pay about 3.000€ to each one of the victims. Let me be cruel now, as the society!

*600€ per year

*50€ per month

*1, 67€ per day

It’s really cheap, isn’t it? 1, 67€ per each day of terror! My friends, crime compensate a lot!

Does anybody care about people’s life?

Does anyone know the value (the monetary value) a life has?

Stupid people spoil and kill others' lives every single day; no one cares! They will only care when it happens to them! I don’t know, but, going like this, people will end up doing justice with their own hands. I can’t blame them; if some have the right to end up with other’s lives, why shouldn’t others have the same right? I am against revenge, but this world is sick... like I said before, this society has a culture of bullshit. So, if we live in the jungle, there is only one law "Kill or be killed"! Just to finish this ugly subject, I am thinking of all these rappers... why don’t they join them all and do that to each other? HUH?