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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

The real loneliness
The real loneliness

loneliness by kws34



“The scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal."

More than ever, loneliness seems to be the worst “disease”. Every day, millions of people feel lonely, regardless of being alone or not. Ironically, the technological development made a “generous” contribution, instead of doing the opposite. 
I don’t know (and it’s not because I don’t make an effort to understand) why in the 21st century, with all the facilities and devices we have, people act in an unnatural way day after day. It breaks my heart when I see people congratulating and thanking the birthday wishes or some other wishes online, when they see each other every day; it’s even worse when they live in the same house, eat at the same table and sit on the same couch. I consider this kind of behaviour as being unnatural, because it is! There is no need of speaking through the technological devices when people are with us.

The worst kind of loneliness is the one you feel when you are surrounded by people; most of times with family, friends and colleagues! The reasons that make us experience loneliness might be several, but all of them lead to the same path: a deep feeling of sadness. As you well know, human beings were not made to be alone; they need to connect, it’s something innate. It may seem I am criticizing this or that, but I can assure you, am not.

Loneliness breaks my heart and if you think it only happens with older people, allow me to say how wrong you are. It is a general evil, like a virus which moves through the society faster than the speed of light. People have lost the ability to communicate. I think that’s why they feel so lonely. Dialogue does not exist anymore; there are only monologues. It’s so ironic how everything works in a reverse sense. These are the fruits of the modern society: "You are alone, fight for your dreams and don’t trust anyone! If you aren’t happy alone, you’ll never be happy with anyone! First, love yourself!" Have you heard any of these lines before?

— What is better, to walk during the night in the darkness or to have the stars’ company whilst you are doing it?

— What’s the best, your love for you or being loved by someone? Will leave these questions in the air...

Loneliness is probably one of the worst feelings in the world. Even the strongest people don’t accept it peacefully! loneliness kills people very slowly; by and by, they become weaker and vulnerable. I have seen loneliness all through my life; I have seen what it does to people. But now, it is worse; loneliness has achieved an elevated level. The tendency is to get worse and worse, yet I hope it doesn’t. I hope people can see things in time to make a positive change. I could understand loneliness if in the entire planet only one person was here, but there are so many people all around the world...

Is it to ask much if I ask you to “waste” 1 minute of your time to hold someone’s hand? These 60 seconds will make an absolute difference in someone’s life and for you they will pass fast. 

Have you looked at the image on the top? I never lay pictures by chance; I use images because they say more than a thousand words. Look how the artist saw loneliness. I won’t explain what I see, because what we see is always subjective and I don’t want to influence you... my job here is to put you thinking about what I consider important: people's happiness!

Loneliness is a serious emotional problem and really affects our well-being and happiness.  I see loneliness like a cold that comes from inside, do you know why? Because we see others’ loneliness and they see ours and we all stay watching, without doing anything. All we care is about ourselves! We are always expecting others to give the first step... 

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Once, six men were blocked in a cave by an avalanche of snow and they had to wait until dawn to receive help. Each one of them had brought some wood and there was a small campfire that they were using to keep themselves warm. If the fire went out, all would die of cold. The time came to put more wood on the fire...

The first man, a racist, looked attentively to the other five and saw that one of them had black skin. Then he thought: "That black! I’ll never give my firewood to heat a black person!"

The second man was a miser. He was there because he was expecting to receive the interest of a debt. He looked around and saw a man of the mountain, who was showing his poverty through his old and patched clothes, and thought: "I, give my firewood to heat a lazy?"

The third man was the black guy. His eyes were flashing with anger and resentment. His thought was very practical: "It is very likely that I need this firewood to defend myself. Besides, I would never give it to save those who oppress me."

The fourth man was the poor of the mountain. He knew the paths, dangers and snow secrets so he thought: "This blizzard can last several days, I will keep my firewood."

The fifth man was a dreamer; he seemed oblivious to everything. Staring at the campfire, it never crossed his mind to offer the firewood he was carrying. He was more concerned with his own visions to think about being useful.

The last man brought in his palms and forehead the signs of a lifetime of work. His way of thinking was short and quick: "This firewood is mine, it cost my job. I will not give it to anyone."

With these thoughts, the six men remained immobile. At dawn, when the rescue team reached the cave, they found six frozen corpses, each one of them holding a bundle of firewood. Looking at that sad picture, one of them said: The cold that killed them, was not the cold outside, but the inside cold!


I found a test on the web about loneliness and I did it. Like I always do, here it is the result even if you think terrible things about me...

Results of
The Loneliness Quiz


You scored a total of  38



Extreme Loneliness

You answered this quiz consistent with people who are suffering from extreme and severe loneliness.

A certain amount of loneliness is a normal part of most people's lives. But when your feelings of loneliness can become a bit overwhelming or more serious than usual -- like now -- it may be a sign that something isn't quite balanced in your life.

You may find that you could benefit by trying to reach out to others in your life -- right now. A close friend or family member whom you trust and talk to can go a long way in helping to relieve feelings of loneliness in many people.



S C O R I N G   K E Y
If you scored... You may have...
30 & up Extreme Loneliness
22 - 29 Moderate Lonliness
15 - 21 Normal Lonelienss
0 - 14 Little to No Loneliness

This is not a diagnosis tool.