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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!




I think I know why relationships don’t last! People never stop looking; they never stop searching for someone better than the person with whom they are. No matter how loving or beautiful/ handsome one is, they’ll keep seeking; they will continue chasing...

Ironically or not, people don’t want to commit to anyone, but they want the fruits of commitment; they want the best of what commitment can give without any kind of commitment. There are a lot of words that can describe the uncommitted people. The virtual world has “taught” me how low individuals can be. My eyes blink when people say they are married (or in a relationship) but they are in an open relationship. What the hell is this?! And they blink more often when there are kids from these relationships. So, a thing that should work as a family, is working individually, as if each person is walking in a different direction (not as if, they actually are) despite of being together). “Open-minded” is a term very used to define themselves. I think they don’t know the meaning of that word or then I am a complete ignorant.

This one makes me laugh (and I am being sarcastic right now): "I am not emotionally available". If they aren’t emotionally available what is available then? Their body?! Not even animals have this kind of behaviour, did you know?

Finally, come all those who want something casual (they all want, but these are admitting).

So many "descriptions" to say something so simple: I don’t want any commitments! Is it so hard to say without giving bad excuses?

Just a small note: most of times people run from commitment because they think they will lose their freedom and gain a lot of responsibilities. That’s a poor and wrong vision; they think they are free, but they aren’t. They are just slaves of their addictions and prisoners of themselves! They aren't free, not at all! 

(However, they think they are).