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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

It seems too fake...
It seems too fake...


I am having serious problems to accept the reality: falsity! It is anywhere and everywhere! It seems that people are used as steps to climb the ladder of life. It’s a damn sad world, or should I say it’s a damn sad society? Human relations aren’t genuine; it’s all bogus, totally fake! Everyone I trusted screwed my life; and the thing is that I defend we shall trust people, yet everyone who trusted somebody ended up with their lives screwed. Honestly, I can’t say why people do what they do! Maybe everyone wants something in return; perhaps we are only a coin of exchange... it’s heartbreaking!

There is a legend that says if everybody told the truth to each other there would be no friends. Regrettably, it is true! The real meaning of friendship only the dictionaries know. The same happens with love, kindness, and all that matters. I don’t know about you, but, to me, everything seems too fake.

I believe in everything that is beautiful like family, friendship, love (regardless of its kind) and so many other things, but my faith in humanity is decreasing day by day. You want to know why? Because everything is rooted on the surface, on superficialities. So everything changes so fast from one time to the other. I am not surprised with all the emotional problems people have. The heart cannot process everything so fast as the mind, which is why I affirm everything seems too fake. It’s rare to find someone with their heart and mind in perfect harmony. People live their lives by their mind; the heart does not even enter into the equation. And thinking they are acting rationally, they are illogical! You might be asking why illogical? Because there are only incoherencies; it's everything so absurd. Let’s start analysing the legend I shared in the second paragraph... Can it be?

Based on the legend, friends are kept with lies... But, can we really say someone is our friend if we lie about who we truly are? Hum... Isn’t this “kind” of friendship completely bogus!? Do you want to know something “funny”? This happens in all kinds of relationships. What a mess! I don’t understand why people are so afraid of... perhaps to be left all alone? Shouldn’t our friends, family, partners, colleagues, whoever, accept us for who we truly are?

It’s incredibly unbelievable how much people “fight” to “build” fake relationships, instead of building something authentic from the beginning. Now I comprehend why people say that we can live with someone for 50 years and still don’t know the person. How could we? They are strangers who live double lives! Would people leave them if they spoke the truth and instead of friends would they become enemies? What kind of person treats people as if they were "shit"?! Playing games with others’ lives, with what right?!

Happily, not everybody pretends to be someone they aren’t, but what really annoys me is that the ones who don’t do it always find people who do that. It’s a damn circle; we escape from one, we caught another one! Are you asking what the hell am I speaking about? I am talking about all the “acrobacies” people do to deceive others, ironically the ones who love them most.

People easily say things without any meaning, which simply kills me. It’s like if we all were comedians, telling jokes to an audience. Another different public, the anecdotes remain the same. So are people; they say the same things to all those who cross their lives. But, how can this happen? Actually, I don’t really think that phrases like “I love you”, “I will always be beside you”, “You can always count with me”, “I will never leave you” among others, have any meaning. What I have seen is that nothing has meaning... it’s all said by saying. Like softwares people seem to work as robots (absence of feelings). So, they say I love you to me now, after 5 minutes they say to you and later they say to someone else. During a day they "love" 5, 10, 56 different people (perhaps more, who knows?!)... So much “love” to give, don’t you think? Family and friendship aren’t much different either. When people need them, they run away and then, far away, they “call” saying “Don’t worry, I am here”... but here where??!! Whilst some stay around (even if they aren’t supporting), others disappear... It’s life you might say! I don't think the same way, did you know? It is a way of living, though not life! Life has a completely different meaning! I am utterly against lies and when linked with taking advantage of someone only shows how much selfishness lies within us.

When you love, you trust; here it is the perfect combination to live a perfect life if the one you love is worthy. If they aren’t, you just gave them the right weapon to hurt you and, believe me, it will hurt a lot! Oh, and please don’t believe when they say “I am sorry”; it has the same meaning as their “I care about you”, “I love you” or whatever. When we love, we don’t hurt, at least not deliberately! Promises are kept and everything is worth. When people love they never quit. They never lie... Can’t you see that when we love the time flies? Why should we lose time with stupid games if it is not enough to live our love?

You know, I have a friend. She does not read me, however, this web page I wrote was because of her. We speak every day or almost every day; a life full of suffering, like everybody (some more than others). I spent a good part of my life interacting with people; I helped some, others I tried (but I couldn't), others did not allow me to (they all helped me somehow). On this journey I realized one thing: Falsity! I thought that only my life was full of it, unfortunately it is everywhere! Life is not a movie... we are not actors pretending to be someone else; our life is real! Some like to bring unrealistic scenes into reality, just for fun... Do you understand now why I wrote everything seems too fake? People pretend to have feelings; people lie to get what they want. If they care about the ones they hurt?!
Well, do you think if they cared they would hurt them? Now you have the answer!


P.S.- About the legend, I can clearly say that people don’t like the truth. Ironically, they want the truth, but aren’t truthfull. Plus, the ones who left us had never intended to stay, so friendship was never there. Sometimes they say their intention was never to hurt us or then they are leaving us because don’t want to hurt us.  The first choice makes some sense, but none when people keep doing the same they were doing! The second is pathetic and nothing more than an excuse. Sadly, it’s all true.  I wish it weren’t...