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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

"What makes the world go round" >18 years
"What makes the world go round" >18 years




I swear I don’t want to offend anyone, but probably I will. Yesterday saw some things on the web and my eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. It’s shocking how much people are willing to do to be known and earn millions. Is it possible to buy dignity? What's the price of someone's dignity?! People sell themselves for so little (you might not agree with me, millions aren’t a few dollars, pounds, euros, etc)... I will be honest with you, I never earned millions, I am not interested about earning millions and money means nothing to me! Hard to believe I know... I am an alien; I must be from some other planet! So, as I was saying, after seeing some photos and a video of a model, I was shocked! Yeah, shocked (and no, I won't share it)! I guess now I know why men treat women as garbage... What a fucking world, huh?!

Remember about the guy who could see a little bit more than “normal” people? At the beginning of our conversation, he told me something I will never forget. I am sorry about the language I am about to use... it’s his, not mine. Well, it would be even worse if he were the "writer" here...

All that women care is if they have a good pair of boobs and everything in the “right place”. They are always looking at the "critters" of the gym and all they see is their muscles... etc.”

This is what I remember... unfortunately (or not), I don’t have this dialogue on my email, as we should be speaking on the website (won’t even say the fucking name to not spoil anyone else’s lives).
Another time he wrote: “I think the real woman does not expose herself, or better, she exposes to whom she wants..." “It’s true, the real woman is always in her corner and even still is seen... This is what fascinates me and not the chicken that calls for men’s attention! A woman has posture; she is in her pedestal; she does not go after men, she does not humiliate herself... This is my vision about a woman! She is noble, like a princess; she’s cultured, knows love and chooses to enter her world only whom she wants..."

It might seem old-fashioned, it might seem "male chauvinist" (!?), however, what I saw yesterday, it’s not better I can assure you. The model shows herself as an object, depreciating her value and all women’s value. And she’s proud of it! Culture of bullshit, as I like to call it. The cult of the body and the instantaneous “happiness” that leads to emptiness and sadness. So many muscles, a beautiful appearance; no brain mass, no inner beauty!

Who cares about inner beauty? (I'm thinking out loud...)

Why does nobody seem to care about it anymore? Hum... you know, once I told something about inner beauty to someone and the idea I have is that people don’t really care about it (he didn’t even comment). The definition of enjoying life is "beauty, pleasure and money"; this is all that people want! No attachments; no links; everything superficial, just like them!
I don’t even understand how people can be like this... and I truthfully try to comprehend.

Sculptural bodies, pretty faces, good jobs and nothing of this “shit” (I must say I use this word a lot) avoid being betrayed (looking at models, actors, etc). Oh, I forgot, it’s this fucking shit that makes the world go round... to use people! Oh, you probably don’t like my tone of voice... I can't blame you, nobody likes! Let me be gentler now. No one is using anyone; everyone is just satisfying their own needs... What the fuck is this, huh?!

Okay! I am so, but so enough... Do you have any idea how many times I heard people speaking about passion?! Not love, only passion... I don’t even tolerate that word anymore neither can bear superficial “creatures”.

We give our life, the best of what we have for someone, anyone, whoever... They don’t care. It happens here, in the UK, in the USA, elsewhere, everywhere. The culture of bullshit is something global or shall I start calling it the culture of shit?! The thing is that the concept people have of freedom does not allow them to have love in their lives; they throw it away. They want passion; they want to do crazy things for someone who makes them feel alive... but the only feeling that can make anybody feel alive is love... passion kills people. I am not even sure I can use the word passion here... perhaps I should use concupiscence...

Okay, right now you must be calling me a lot of bad names. Well done, I deserve them all! Possibly you hate me! Right now we have two things in common: we both hate Cristina and we both want you to be happy!

P.S.- Many people say lust is a need. A need?! A need my ass...