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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Welcome to the new Era...
Welcome to the new Era...


First of all, I want to stress that it’s not my intention to hurt or offend anyone. If, for some reason, you think I am addressing to you, am not. It happens that some attitudes are so rooted in the society that becomes common to everyone. It would be impossible to speak personally about somebody because I don’t know who is reading me right now. One more thing; I’ve been using literally some sentences that some people told me one day. If some are yours, I am sorry for using them (don’t obligate me to pay author’s rights); however, I thought they were important to express myself better. I never wanted to make you feel underestimated, because if you want to know the truth, I am not better than you (or than anyone). I simply focus myself in real problems and speak about them. Sometimes, the problems are mine. We are too far away of living in the ideal world, but I am not asking for the impossible. And I know that all I ask is possible because if I can do it, you can also do it; if I can understand, you can also understand. I used to think that I was good at several things, but now I can see that the others were and are much better. Comparisons aside, whilst I think I can make a difference for someone’s life, I’ll be writing or speaking. Humbly speaking, I have failed all my life, yet that is what I call freedom. I can speak and show through actions, but I can’t do things for you. I can’t change your behaviour, but I hope my words can touch you and you can see where you need to act to be happy or happier than before. Throughout my failures, I had the immense pleasure of touching people and be touched by them. And that is what life is all about...


Welcome to the 21 century, the era of the new technologies. Where everybody is busy doing nothing useful; where everybody is busy for everybody, but not as busy as you may think. The machines do the most part of the daily work, even still people live tired. They live exhausted!
Welcome to the new era where everybody has a laptop, tablet or Smartphone, even if they don’t have a job or money to buy some essential goods; where they have money to spend on the most superfluous things, but not on the most important and needed.
Welcome to an era where physical appearance is everything and the most important is neglected.
Welcome to a time where all the moral values vanished and are only important if and when you can benefit from them.

Welcome to the jungle where others’ pain and suffering is a reason for celebration, instead of awakening one to the reality of life.
Welcome to the age where everybody is honest and kind in the virtual world, whilst in the real world everything falls apart.
Welcome to an epoch where you can “choose” a “partner” in the comfort of your house; their height, weight, job and some other characteristics you might find precious. Like shopping online, you can see their catalogue.
Welcome to the century where the poorest people are the ones who have money and ironically can’t buy anything of what is important.

Welcome to the generation where the medicines can take away any pain, except those that hurt us most.

Welcome to this new era, when I live in another completely different time. A time where most of people were happy and fulfilled and not mere photos or shadows of someone they used to be. It seems too much to ask, right? But it isn't, it is all up to you!