The Void
And as the sun sets behind the sea,
No words shall be uttered,
No sound shall be heard,
Just the silence of it all...
Slowly eating away your soul
As you lose for the last time,
Both the way out
And sanity disappear...
Leaving you with a complete void.
This emptiness turning into
Your final asylum…
A place of restrain,
And ultimate void,
Losing the final grip
To your once loved sanity.
Screaming into the utter void,
No sound is heard,
Fighting away this poison
Is just not an option.
Like a pit,
An endless fall,
Of confusion
And denial.
The scientists say the ozone layer has been deteriorating and point the finger to human activity in the past 60 years or so. You probably already heard about the ozone hole, am I right? They say it’s quite big and represents serious risks to all beings. Today I will write about “deep holes” that people have; a gigantic and deep void that also put people’s lives at risk, especially those who try to come near.
The experts measured the dimension of the ozone hole, though nobody can calculate the extension of people’s void; where does it start or where does it end? It’s unknown... but we do know something vital.