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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Who's the loser?
Who's the loser?




Something that always shocks me is people's insensitivity. You may think I am overreacting, but I am not.

I can’t understand how the society can be totally indifferent to love, friendship and others’ suffering/problems. I think so much... I truly make a huge effort to comprehend, but my intelligence doesn’t allow me any knowledge relative to this subject. I am absolutely against revenges, so I don’t believe we should pay evil with evil, instead, I do believe we shall pay good with goodness, love with love, friendship with friendship. The famous line: “If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also” is a clear recognition that we must always forgive and be receptive.

In theory, it’s easy to say and explain; in practise, it’s a lot more complicated. So, today, I bring more questions than answers. Who’s the loser?!

– The one who offers their friendship and it’s denied or the one who didn’t accept it?

– The one who offered their friendship and was used or the one who took advantage of it?

– The one who loved or the one who received all the benefits without caring with another?

Worldwide people take advantage of others, that’s no news. But are they stronger? Are they warriors? Are they worthier? Are they happier? Do they need others’ pain to be happy or what?!

In my opinion, the ones who aren’t receptive are the losers. It’s so easy to use others; so easy to think about ourselves first, isn’t it?

I see parents who don’t care about their children; I see children who despise their parents. I see hate between brothers and sisters. I see an extreme dislike between neighbours. I see couples fighting. I see humans, but no humanity! You may say it’s normal, but it’s not! The sad fact is that injustice always knocks at the same door: at the ones who don’t deserve it. I am not judging, just revealing what I’ve seen throughout my life. The parents who have loving and considerate children, don’t care about them; children who have amazing parents, don’t give a shit about them. Brothers and sisters should be like best friends, yet they spend a good part of their time complaining, comparing and hating each other. Neighbours should be as a second family, however, it’s not that what we see every day; couples should work as a mutual support, but each one is all alone...

It’s difficult to accept slaps when all you do is caring about others. One day, sooner or later, we get tired. Human’s patience has a limit. And once that limit is achieved, nobody can do a thing about it because people’s heart will be deaf, blind and mute. And you know how impossible it is to touch such a hard heart; it is no longer a heart, it’s a stone!

I need your help, immediately! Don’t let your heart get to that point. Please be human, with all the positive characteristics of a human being. It’s not by chance that soft-hearted people are here. Our job is to touch people, not with beautiful words, but with gorgeous actions. I’ll share another story with you all... It’s called "The two neighbours"!


The two neighbours

Once there were two ladies who were neighbours. They couldn’t see each other not even for a second such was their hate. When they met in the street, they always ended up fighting. It was impossible not doing it. One day, one of them, Sophia, discovered the real value of friendship and decided to make peace with her neighbour, Catherine.

When they met, Sophia humbly said Catherine: “My dear Catherine, we live fighting for so many years without any apparent reason. I am proposing to make peace so we can live in harmony, just like two good and old friends.” Catherine found this attitude weird, but responded she was going to think about it.

By the way, she was thinking...” Sophia does not fool me. She is testing me... I’ll send her a gift to see her reaction.”

So, when she got home prepared a beautiful basket, filled it with cow dung and made a beautiful wrap. “I would love to see Sophia’s face when she receives this “wonderful” present", she thought. And asked her maid to deliver it with a note saying: “I accept your peace proposal and to prove you, please, accept this lovely gift.” Sophia found the present weird, but didn’t get angry. After some time, someone rings the Catherine’s doorbell. When she opens the door, sees a beautiful package with a big red ribbon. “It is Sophie’s revenge”, Catherine thought. After unwrapping it, she was completely surprised. It was a flower arrangement with the most beautiful flowers a garden could have. On the card was written: “I offer you these flowers as a sign of my friendship. They were cultured with the cow dung you sent me and it provided an excellent fertilizer for my garden. After all, each one gives what they have in abundance in their lives.”


Actions define people, not words! Everybody can say beautiful words, but just a few can show the beautiful words through actions! I wish you can give your best always and may be able to transform the "cow dung presents" into wonderful things. You won't be the loser! ♥