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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Like a magnet...
Like a magnet...



A good part of the society thinks that the mind is like a magnet. In short words, if you think positive things, you’ll be attracting positive things into your life; if you think negative things, all of them will knock at your door. They also say that most of the thoughts are weak; they aren’t repeated long enough to gain sufficient strength. So, this is the explanation some people give us when we don’t achieve what we want.

A magnet is an object that exhibits a strong magnetic field and attracts materials like iron to it. So it makes sense to compare the mind with it. All that we think can be drawn to us, irrespective of being good or bad.

A magnet has two poles, which I like to call of positive and negative (the experts call them North and South, but I speak a different language. It’s incorrect, but I don’t care. All I want is that people can understand me). So the positive pole attracts the negative pole (of another magnet) and not its positive pole or, if you prefer, one side of the magnet draws and the other side repels. I think that’s why people say that our tendency is to love the opposite of ourselves... do you agree with this?!

So, as I was saying, the experts say that if you think positive, your probabilities of being succeeded are high. Well, I’ll tell you that I can’t agree with this. All the people with whom I have been “working” can’t be inserted in their theories because they would spoil their thoughts about this theme. Now, wait a minute, please! I know what you are thinking:" The people you have been working with didn’t have enough strength." Let me continue my controversy please. I have seen that not only positive thoughts don’t attract positive things as, the same way, thinking negatively does not draw negative things to anyone’s life! It’s a fact! The only difference between these two groups is that the ones who think positive deal better with the problems than the other group. They don’t go down and even when they do, they rise up faster!

Our mind is not a magic lamp with a genius inside, even if people think it is. All that happens follows some rules; the Universe's rules! I could call them Karma, however, I don’t know if that would be the best term to use. And about karma I’ll speak another day...another controversial subject, though worthy of making us think about it for a while.

Another curious thing is human relations. It seems like we also work as magnets: some people attract us, while others repel us! People’s magnetism is something real. I am saying it in a spiritual way (colourful and beautiful), but in a series of experiments the experimenters came to that same conclusion: our nervous system transmits electrical impulses creating a magnetic field. Our magnetism is unique and it influences others, the same way we are influenced by theirs. Like I said before, even if you think I am crazy, we are energy! When you feel good with someone, you like their energy. You may think that you feel like this because they are good looking, they have money or they speak very well, but it’s deeper than that. So much deeper!! 

Some people say that this magnetism can be seen (aura), while others say that when you see colours around people it’s just a reflection of your tired eyes. Hum...

If an aura is an image created by your tired eyes, shouldn't you always see the same image looking at everybody?! What do you think?

Time for a small history...

When I was a child, I used to have a lot of headaches. Sometimes, my mother had to give me medication; after a few seconds I was excellent and ready to play again. I was very alive! The thing is that the medication didn't have time to be absorbed by my organism, how could it heal me so fast?! It was my mother’s love, her magnetism and not the things she gave me.

Do you understand now why I am so focused on love? Only love can do amazing things, things you will never believe if you don’t see personally.

P.S - By the way, did you know that once someone said that I was like a magnet to him? 
I am truly a magnet... a magnet of lies and falsity. It does not matter how much I ask people to not lie; they always do it!