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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Just a grain of sand
Just a grain of sand see the world in a grain of sand... by c3ntr0py



Today I feel like a grain of sand; small, powerless and worthless. One more, one less what difference does it make?

Looking at the beach, if you take one grain, it won’t make a big difference; quickly it will be replaced by another grain. Now, if you start bringing sand every day, the beach will disappear; only the sea will remain. I see each person as a grain of sand; alone they can’t do much... 

That’s a paradox: the importance of a grain of sand and its insignificance. Do you want a pure contradiction? How many times trivial things changed your day? How many times irrelevant things led you to a different path? How many times your life suffered a changing because of insignificant things? A person might not be able to help the world; a single person might not even be capable of changing the world, but you have to agree with me that they do change someone’s world. Our words, our silence, our actions, every little gesture alter someone’s life. No matter how small, how minuscule we are, our energy is perceived by others; so that’s the magnitude of a simple grain of sand.

Have you ever seen those majestic castles of sand on the beach? Now, imagine that a grain remember of going away because it realized of its small size; the castle might fall apart, just because of such a small piece. What I am trying to say is that we might be diminutive, but our actions are big, especially the smaller ones. A grain in someone’s eyes can do a lot of damage. The same when you have a small rock in your shoe. The grain is the same, the perspective is different! A small drop of water can’t quench your thirst, but it will make ripples throughout the entire lake.

Without grains and drops we wouldn't have beaches and seas...